Новости компанийВ Сбере рассказали, с какой скоростью сейчас продаются квартиры на вторичном рынке Семинар: «Некапитальные объекты – особенности размещения» Круглый стол: «Онлайн-сервисы – открытые источники с полезной информацией об объектах недвижимости» Публикации МАРИзменения в законах в 2016 году для предпринимателей Ответ потребителю о расторжении договора аренды События и мероприятияИНФОРМАЦИЯ о ЗАПЛАНИРОВАННЫХ мероприятиях Общественной палаты Российской Федерации Всероссийский жилищный конгресс 2025 вновь состоится в Сириусе Новости МАР |
Семинар по планированию землепользования и промышленной безопасности (Мехелен, Бельгия, 16-17 мая 2018 г.)Dear colleagues,
We wish to inform/remind you of the UNECE Seminar on Land-use Planning and Industrial Safety that will be held from 16-17 May 2018, at the Mechelen Conference Centre near Brussels, Belgium. The Seminar is organized by the secretariats of the UNECE Industrial Accidents Convention and the UNECE Committee on Housing and Land Management, in cooperation with the European Investment Bank (the EU bank) and the Government of Flanders (Belgium).
The purpose of the seminar is to ensure greater integration of industrial safety, land-use planning and environmental assessment procedures – to be able to make coordinated decisions on accident prevention and risk reduction. To this end, practical case studies showcasing Parties' experiences and lessons learned in the cooperation between land-use planning and industrial safety for industrial accident prevention will be presented. A concept note and provisional agenda for the seminar and the link to the online registration are available at http://www.unece.org/index.php?id=47225.
Please find attached the provisional agenda for the seminar in the form of a flyer. Further information, including any further updates to the agenda, will be made available on the above web page closer to the meeting.
We would like to invite you to attend the seminar and to register for it at the above-mentioned web page.The deadline for registrations has been extended to 30 April 2018. However, please note that no further requests for financial support can be taken.
If you have any queries regarding registration, please contact teia.conv@unece.org. For more substantive questions in relation to the seminar, please contact Ms. Rebecca Wardle (rebeccawardle.consulting@gmail.com), consultant to the European Investment Bank and UNECE.
We look forward to your participation in the seminar!
UNECE Housing and Land Management Unit
Website: www.unece.org/housing |